Haunted Mansion
A spooky tour of an ominous haunted house in Liberty Square, where a supernatural Ghost Host introduces you to his closest 999 dearly-departed friends. Don't worry - too much. While Haunted Mansion contains some mildly frightening subject matter, there is no gore, the ghostly residents are friendly and the experience is appropriate for all ages. Enter the mysteriously well-maintained exterior of an 18th-century mansion and find yourself in an ornate estate where anything can happen - and often does. Suddenly, you realize that you are in a room with no windows and no doors! Moving along, you board a "Doom Buggy" and begin your supernatural journey. What follows has to be seen to not be believed, but suffice to say that you've never before seen the dead so lively. The conclusion is definitely more merry than scary, but the sight of wraiths and skeletons - even of the kindest constitution - is something you're sure to remember as long as you live.

Liberty Square Riverboat
An authentic 3-tiered paddlewheel steamship journey that circles the Rivers of America at the Magic Kingdom theme park for a scenic, half-mile tour of Frontierland, Liberty Square and Tom Sawyer Island. Board and depart the boat at the Colonial-American-inspired Liberty Square Riverboat Landing near The Hall of Presidents, and enjoy the recorded narration delivered in the voice of iconic American author Mark Twain throughout your journey. There is plenty of interesting scenery along the way, including the Splash Mountain plunge, riders enjoying a whirl around Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, woodland animals, a burning cabin, hints of river pirates, Native American villagers and finally an eerie riverside manor that casts an ominous shadow alongside the shore - The Haunted Mansion.

The other attraction in Liberty Square is The Hall of Presidents (re-imagined audio-animatronics show, now featuring President Barack Obama).

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