The new Battle For Eire virtual reality ride has opened at Busch Gardens Williamsburg, replacing the former Europe in the Air experience in the Ireland area of the theme park.

Utilizing virtual reality (VR) headsets and the state-of-the-art motion simulator located in the former Europe in the Air attraction, the new experience is the first of its kind in the US.

Immerse yourself on a 360-degree virtual reality motion simulator and join Addie, Ireland’s last fairy guardian, on a thrilling mission in Battle For Eire – Action VR Ride.

Slip on your magic lenses, hop aboard a dragon and join the battle to rescue the sacred Heart of Eire. Hang on tight as you soar above the lush landscapes and mystifying powers of the Otherworld. Prepare to battle the dark forces that threaten to extinguish the Magic of Ireland. Will you be a hero and save the Heart of Eire?

Take flight and fight the evil Dark Lord, Balor, to bring light to the darkness. Test your courage and send your spirit soaring on this one-of-a-kind thrill, Battle For Eire – Action VR Ride.

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